Thursday 5 January 2017


Friday 5th January 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you all had a restful Christmas holiday. I am looking forward to the new term class and focussing on the children’s independence in their work! Outlined below are some details with regards to the structure of this term. The topic of the term will be ‘Survival’                         
* Number/ problem solving / coordinates/ symmetry

* story writing/ explanation texts

* forces

* swimming/ gymnastics

* Y tywydd (the weather)

* Linked to the value of the term- thankfulness

*Geographical skills

Our P.E days will be on Monday and Thursday this term. Please can you ensure that all pupils make every effort to bring their kits into school for this essential area of child development. For this term (up until Easter) Yr 4 pupils will be swimming on a Monday. Pupils need to bring appropriate kit for this activity.

Sycamore class are also part of an exciting new creative project linked to The Arts Council of Wales and will be undertaking a range of dram and oracy based activities to help support mathematical development. This will usually take place on a Tuesday and is hoped to enthuse all children with numerical skills!

We will also be undertaking some ‘forest schools’ skills with an outside agency- children will need to bring on old clothes for these days- more information will follow nearer the time.

Reading will take place both individually and as part of group reading. Any extra reading is a huge benefit to your child - sharing a book daily will make a huge difference in their understanding and enjoyment. Times tables are also an important part of numerical development. Please support your child in learning these, they will be tested and their progress monitored throughout the year!

Homework will be given out either on Thursday or Friday, starting next week, to be returned by Wednesday unless stated. Homework will also be put on the blog wherever possible.

If you have any queries I am usually available in the classroom after school. Thank you for your support and I look forward to a busy and productive autumn term.

Yours faithfully,

Mr C Munday